Swarm-based Orchestration
Across the Cloud-to-Edge Continuum
The ever-growing number of intelligent smart devices collecting huge amounts of data at the edges of the network, makes essential the need for processing this data in a heterogeneous computing environment, that spans across geographic distances, providers, connectivity types and network zones. Swarmchestrate project aims to combine emerging technologies in the domains of Swarm computing, distributed AI, distributed ledger systems and decentralised identity management to create a completely decentralised autonomous and self-organised application management system which supports the processing of large amounts of data generated at the network edges with the help of hyper-distributed and complex applications in the Cloud-to-Edge continuum.
Project Objectives
Develop an application-level decentralised orchestration framework, utilising Swarm-based distributed intelligence
Develop matchmaking algorithms using decentralised AI methods to optimise energy efficiency and effectiveness
Develop a simulation environment based on the novel decentralised orchestration concept of the project
Dynamically create and manage a set of interconnected Swarms across the distributed Cloud-to-Edge infrastructure
Develop trusted, reliable, secure and transparent knowledge management
Implement real-life application demonstrators utilising Swarmchestrate services in realistic scenarios

million EUR
co-funded by HORIZON EU, the UKRI and NRF Korea
across Europe and Korea
across Europe and Korea
The Swarmchestrate project will implement four demonstrator applications to illustrate how decentralised orchestration can improve the efficiency of processing large amounts of data in highly distributed scenarios. Each application scenario applies a large number of geographically distributed, data collecting sensors at the network edges which require energy efficient and effective data processing.
Flood Prevention
Parking Space Management
Urban Noise Classification
Digital Twin of Natural Habitat
Swarmchestrate assures that the next generation of tools managing hyper-distributed applications are efficiently supporting application owners and reducing complexity. Our aim is to provide easily applicable solutions for deploying and managing applications in the cloud-to-edge compute continuum to reduce costs and energy utilisation, guarantee deadlines, offer security and trust, and provide fast response times.
Latest News
Technical Articles series: Monitoring in Swarmchestrate -the story so far
(3 min read) Monitoring in the Swarmchestrate project is undertaken by the Event Management System (EMS). The EMS is a resilient, event propagation and processing system, which is able to detect Service Level Agreement (SLA) or Service Level Objective (SLO) violations...
Technical Articles series: Advancing Decentralized Trust and Knowledge Management for Fog Computing
(2 min read) During the first project year, Swarmchestrate has achieved significant progress in developing decentralized solutions for trust and knowledge management, particularly through the efforts of the Knowledge Management Workgroup, a group of experts from...
Meet the Consortium series: InnoRenew CoE
Meet the Swarmchestrate partners: InnoRenew CoE InnoRenew CoE is an independent research institute, established in 2017. Research targets renewable materials and sustainable buildings, with the goal of transferring scientific knowledge into industrial...