Meet the Consortium series: Institute of Communication and Computer Systems


Meet the Swarmchestrate partners: Institute of Communication and Computer Systems

The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) is a non-profit research institute associated with the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. It was established in 1989 by the Ministry of Education of Greece and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA in order to promote research and development activities in all aspects of computer and telecommunications systems and their applications.

Within Swarmchestrate, ICCS is represented by the Information Management Unit (IMU) which was founded in 1997 by Prof. Gregoris Mentzas. IMU has participated in more than 60 research projects with a funding of more than 18 million euros and has an academic output of more than 350 publications. IMU has experience in: (a) applied AI research in areas like augmenting data analytics and AI pipelines with human intelligence; (automated) machine learning & transfer learning; and generative AI and LLMs to facilitate data science; and (b) cognitive cloud continuum research, especially in the proactive adaptation and event-driven monitoring of computational resources, in context-aware access control and NFT-based dataset provenance.

What is ICCS role in the project?

The contribution of ICCS will focus on (i) context-aware adaptive decentralised monitoring of computing resources where we will improve and extend previous research on our Event Management System (EMS) developed in the H2020 Morphemic – Proactive Cloud and NebulOuS projects; and (ii) blockchain-based knowledge management, where we will further enhance the solutions we developed in the ExtremeXP project and design and develop a novel identity and role management system in order to offer greater privacy, security and control of users’ credentials.

Why is this project important for ICCS?

With our expertise in proactive monitoring and adaptation of computing resources and NFT-based data governance Swarmchestrate will allow us to expand our skill set and pave the way for the next level of intelligent support for resource-related decisions across the computing continuum.

Who are the key people involved?

The ICCS team is led by Prof. Yiannis Verginadis while the group is supervised by Prof. Gregoris Mentzas. The team consists of experienced researchers such as Dimitris Kounoudis, Fotis Paraskevopoulos, Yorgos Lagos, George Georgakakos, Alexandros Tsafos and Dora Mavrodopoulou.